Tuesday, April 9, 2013


For my first real post on my newly minted blog I thought it would only be right to give anyone who came across this an idea of who I am and what I'm about.

I'm a 26 (soon to be 27) year old woman who was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. I come from a fairly tight knit family that I feel very lucky to have every day. I also have a pretty awesome best friend (her blog!) and a really great boyfriend.

I currently work downtown in a hotel and while I do enjoy it to a point I am looking for something new. I'd also like to get myself back to school and would like to get a degree to be a veterinary technician. I've always loved animals and have 3 cats and a dog currently, but didn't come to the realization that I should be a veterinary technician until I was watching Grey's Anatomy one day so thank you Grey's Anatomy.

I'm pretty passionate about a few things: TV, music, makeup, nails, animals, art, Keto, books, video games, and DIY's. A lot of these will be featured quite a bit through the blog with the others being interspersed here and there. I'd mostly like to use this place to share my favorite things, how-to's, or stories with whoever may come across this blog in their internet travels.

So sit back, relax, and watch this blog for new posts weekly! Feel free to drop me a comment at any time to let me know how I'm doing and especially if you enjoyed anything you've read or seen on this blog.

You can also follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. (Links to the right)

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